Friday, September 6, 2013

An open letter to potential concealed carry instructors

As a resident of one of the most gun restrictive states in the union, I have been anxiously awaiting the day when I can legally carry a pistol outside the home for protection.  As all of us in Illinois know, the state has resisted allowing citizens to carry concealed or otherwise for years.  The new carry law that was passed is far from ideal.  Probably the biggest example of that is the 16 hour training requirement.  That's far beyond what is required in other states and has been heavily criticized as overly burdensome.

The State Police have been charged with setting up the training and have now started the process of approving people who want to offer the 16 hour course.  My fear is two fold.  Number one, that these classes will be so full and so few and far between that people will have a very difficult time getting into a class.  And second, that there will be significant price gouging by some who qualify to teach these classes.  The state is already charging $150 for the privilege of the card.  Then we have to pay someone for the class.  Now, I have no problem with a charge for these classes.  I mean the paper costs something and the lights have to be turned on.  But, when people start talking hundreds of dollars for a class that takes 2 days it starts to make me think that people are wanting to take advantage of the situation.  So, please everyone, if you are qualified to teach the class, don't charge more than is reasonable.  Doing otherwise just denies a large part of the population the right to defend themselves.  Sound good?

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