Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I had for many years used my trusty old Lyman beam style powder scale.  It was slow to use, but very accurate and easy to read and adjust.  I knocked it off the table one day and well, it's now a pile of useless parts.

Lyman 500 scale is a classic and very easy to use

So, my Brother gave me his Lee scale.  It too is a beam style scale, but it is constructed a little differently than the Lyman.  The gross adjustment on the lee is a metal ball that you move into different slots.  The fine adjustment is a somewhat strange affair.  There is a plastic slider with a lock button to keep it in place once you have it where you want it.  I have found it to be tricky to adjust when the beam is on the scale.  I have started taking it off the scale to set and then putting it back on.  I can see the .10 grain marks better that way.  I find the .10 grain marks a little hard to see when the beam is on the scale.  I much prefer the Lyman's weight to this slider.  The adjustment wheel is likewise hard to use on the fly.  The Lyman adjustment was on the base where I could adjust it without moving the beam all over the place.  Honestly, I would much prefer a nice digital scale, but that is not in the budget.  Overall, I think Lee could do a little better.  That is unusual for me to say because I generally love Lee products.  Usable yes, Ideal no.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Can you be a "Liberal" and a gun nut at the same time?

Well, yes, sort of.

Media likes to tell you what you are.  ie you are a liberal if you like socialized medicine.  You are a conservative if you like guns.  Well, the pigeon holes might work for the media and the pollsters, but they wear thin with me.

Personally, I am very pro-gun, very pro-life, and I hate government telling me what to do.  Sound like a Republican?  Hold on.  I'm also pro-union, pro-socialized medicine, and I can't stand the Bush family.  I think Reagan was a great actor who did tremendous damage to our economy while serving as the nation's cheerleader.  So I'm a bleeding heart right?

Well folks, it's just not that simple.  When you pigeon hole yourself, you give up your identity.  When you say"I'm a conservative Republican" or "I'm a liberal Democrat", you give your ability to reason and think for yourself away in favor of the party line.  I personally hate the idea that I have to be one thing or the other.

I'm more complicated than that.  I bet most people are.

So, yes, I can have liberal views about some things and still love my guns and the second amendment.  That doesn't mean I love Scott Walker, Dubya, or any other dumbasses.  Nor do I like Hillary and her deceptions.  I'm usually not "for" any politician.  I will listen to the proposals, run it through the BS filter, realize that most politicians are bought, then agree or disagree.

2 cents