"We need to stop gun violence" You hear it all the time. I even hear it from gun enthusiasts. And it might seem like a good thing to say, until you really think about it.
Of course, no one wants to see people get shot. But, to specify gun violence as worse than other forms of violence is just silly to me. This week we saw 2 teachers killed by their students. One was shot with a handgun. The other was stabbed or slashed with a box cutter. Both killings are terrible. Both teachers are dead. So, why are people like that old hag Diane Feinstein so quick to point their finger at violence committed with a firearm, but not the box cutter. A tool which any kid can pick up off a shelf at Wal-Mart.
Why do we need bill boards telling people that if they commit a crime with a gun that they will go to jail for a longer period than if they use a knife or a brick? Why do Chicago politicians want mandatory sentences for people caught with a gun in the wrong place? Why does the city of Peoria Illinois need to pay big bucks for a program that's called "Don't shoot"?
It seems to me that violence is violence. As gun owners, we need to be ever vigilant to threats on our 2nd amendment rights. And, that means not buying into the "Gun violence" phrase. We need to point out the hypocrisy of that phrase whenever the opportunity arises. Not because we don't care that a nice young teacher was stabbed to death, but because putting violence with a firearms above other violent acts is just silly and perpetuates the false belief that guns are bad.
As a gun owner, I know that guns are neither good nor bad. If you think the same way, I invite you to stand up and point that fact out to the less learned.
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